Date : Apr 29, 2013 – Nov 30, -1
Venue : Kathmandu, Biratnagar and Butwal
Teachers’ Orientation Program
Dean’s Office, Institute of Science and Technology, TU has organized Teacher’s Orientation Program on B Sc Four Year Course. The program was conducted in coordination with Zoology Subject Committee, TU. The discussions were held focusing particularly on course structure of B Sc, the course structure of B Sc Zoology and micro syllabus of B Sc First year theory and practical courses.
The Orientation Programs were conducted at the regional level in the following venues & dates:
1. Central Department of Zoology, Kirtipur (Central region) 4 – 5 Magh 2069
2. Mahendra Morang Multiple Campus, Biratnagar (Eastern region) 27 – 29 Magh 2069
3. Butwal Multiple Campus, Butwal (Western, Mid-Western & Far-Western regions) 8 – 10 Chaitra 2069