Five-day Capacity Development Training on Project Work on BSc. Zoology (Zool 406) was Organized by (held at) Central Department of Zoology (CDZ), Institute of Science and Technology (IOST) Tribhuvan University (TU) from 20-25th Bhadra 2078 BS. This training was supported by University Grant Commission (UGC) Nepal. Because of ongoing COVID-19 safety restrictions, the program was conducted in a blended model. More than five dozens of widely nominated and representative faculties from constituent as well as affiliated campuses of the University participated. The opening session was inaugurated by the Chief Guest of the program, the Dean of Institute of Science and Technology (IOST) Tribhuvan University (TU), Prof Dr Binil Aryal with his encouraging remarks/address. The Opening Session was Chaired by the Head of the Department, Prof Dr Tej B Thapa followed by a welcome speech from Dr Prem Budha, and a brief introduction to the program by the coordinator of Program Dr Rajendra Parajuli and remarks from UGC Nepal planning officer Mr Binod Bhattrai.
Total 20 sessions (each day four sessions) were conducted that were facilitated by internal as well as external ( Prof Dr Arvind Keshari) “Resource Person (RP)” with an interactive discussion with virtual as well as Seminar Hall participants. The sessions covered the research context in an undergraduate course in Zoology, University policy and guidelines on research, project planning, ethical issues in research, sampling techniques in different streams of Zoology, tools and techniques in data analysis and report writing, project evaluation, etc. The content was appreciated by all participants from the constituent as well as affiliated Campuses. This program indeed was a great opportunity to get to know each other among the zoologists from different campuses. CDZ TU is hopeful, participants were empowered with updated knowledge and the quality of BSc 4th Year Project work will be improved significantly.