55th Establishment Day Celebration

Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University (CDZ, TU) has celebrated its 55th Establishment Day & 54th Anniversary of its establishment on 13 Mangsir 2076. The event, participated by over 200 participants including faculties, former faculties, current and former students and staff, was conducted in three sessions: Inaugural, Strategy and Networking sessions.
The inaugural session was chaired by Prof Dr Tej Bahadur Thapa (HOD, CDZ) and Prof Dwij Raj Uprety (Former Head, CDZ & Former Dean, IOST, TU) was the Chief guest. On the occasion, Prof Dr Kumar Sapkota welcomed all the participants on behalf of the department. The department has felicitated Prof Dwij Raj Uprety – 93 (one of its founding members & former HOD), Prof Dr Jiwan Shrestha and Prof Dr Purna Nath Mishra (former HODs) and Mr Hari Sharan Nepali ‘Kaji’ – 91 (former staff of CDZ Museum). The felicitated personalities shared their experiences during the program. Other speakers who addressed the inaugural session included Mr Madhu Raman Acharya (a former student of the department and served as a Foreign Secretary and Permanent Representative of Nepal to the UN), Prof. Toran Bahadur Karki (former faculty of the CDZ and the former VC, Purbanchal University) and Prof Dr Subodh Sharma (a former student and Registrar, Kathmandu University). This session was conducted by Dr Laxman Khanal (CDZ) as MC.
The strategy session was conducted on the theme “Avenues for Nepalese Zoologists”. In this session, Prof Dr Tej Bahadur Thapa (HOD, CDZ) presented his talk on “Learning from the history for the future of Zoology” to start the panel discussion. The panellists included Prof Dr Nanda Bahadur Singh (CDZ, TU), Dr Bimal Koirala (former student and Former Chief Secretary, GoN), Mr Suresh Man Shrestha (Chairperson, Public Service Commission, State 3), Dr Siddhartha Bajracharya (Executive Director, NTNC) and Dr Hem Sagar Baral (Country representative, ZSL). Dr Deep Bahadur Swar (Former secretary, GoN) was invited to share his view on the issues. This session was moderated by Mr Indra P Subedi (CDZ) and the rapporteurs of the session were Dr Hari P Sharma & Dr Bishnu P Bhattarai (CDZ). The focal issues of the panel discussion include:
1. Dimensions in Zoological Research: Insights from the past to future prospects
2. Possibilities of institutionalization of Zoologists’ involvement in policy planning and creating focused department specific to animal science in government organization
3. Careers of Zoologists in Government services and the pathways for opening the government doors for them
4. Serving the society through Non-governmental sectors and/or as an independent researcher
5. Fostering and facilitating entrepreneurship and self-employment among Zoologists
The concluding networking session decided to form Alumni Association of Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University (AACDZ-TU) with the aim of uniting all CDZ-TU graduates into one organization for the purpose of fostering and facilitating fellowship and communication among present and former students, faculty, and staff members of CDZ-TU. The session formed an executive committee of AACDZ-TU under the chairmanship of Prof Dr Anand Shova Tamrakar.